Global Trade the Tradefin Global Way

by Sebastian Curet – Founder & CEO

Trade of goods and services is in constant evolution and many factors affect its flow. It would be a not very clever way to conduct business if those involved in international trade conducted their businesses as if this flow was constant, immutable, not affected by financial crises, wars, embargos, changes in domestic policies, or a global pandemic.

The global supply chain is an incredible reality, the force behind world growth specially in the last thirty to forty years. However, it is also fragile. A butterfly batting its wings in Qingdao could probably be related to US shipping backlog.

Agility is more than a concept for our company: we aim to be a solution under any circumstance. We understand our clients needs, and that is not just a say: we explore all then supply chain related issues that could compromise our customers production times or processes. Our customers would never adapt to our processes, but the other way around. Agility also relates to technology: state of the art technology means adapting to services on the cloud, smart contracts and blockchain features that continue to change the booking and tracking process, and day to day processes that make international trade more and more traceable.

Global. Tradefin is Global. Our company was a Global Born Startup and is rapidly becoming a Global Business. We have offices in Buenos Aires, Miami, Sao Paolo and Hong Kong, and we are looking to expand to Europe and India. It is not out of a whim but because global solutions, agile solutions, require global presence. Investing in developing GLOCAL infrastructure (legal, financial, networking) takes time and effort but it pays off.

Customization is a tool of differentiation. Our company understands that each of our customers is different, has particular needs and elicit special attention. Tailor made solutions add value to our customers in an environment where competition based on prices is not competition but cannibalization and where each company ends up with lower value services.

Human. A tailored personal service to our customers based on a profound understanding of their business, their needs, and the necessity of relying in a more human connection. At TradefinGlobal we rely in human capital, as we understand it is the core of a true business solution to our customers needs and the main differentiation from our competitors in an industry where technology and disruption make this differentiation more and more difficult.



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